Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Cycle of Love

The Cycle of Love

When love is found
There is no way around.
You cannot escape or hide,
but instead, abide.
Its full of mysteries,
Like finding the right key
for the treasure.
It has its bumps,
and its little jumps
but that doesn’t stop love
from the clouds, above.
Once you agree,
You will fly and flee.
It will take you to the skies
and you will soar up high.
Life will bloom
and you will smell the love of fumes.
However, a new day can change
into something so strange,
that your love will no longer be found
like a room with no sound.
Then you will find new love
and become a white dove,
escaping from old pain
and entering into free rein.
This is called the cycle of love
which you will be part of.

 For the project, I have wandered around UBC with my friend, Jenny Sun, and asked if they had the time to read my poem. I would also take a picture of each person that read my poem for evidence. I also posted the poem on bulletin boards, street lamps and my blog. In total, I believe I have reached approximately 140 people.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

What is a Poem?

A poem is...
in different shapes and size,
words, images, or sounds.
Expressing passion and hate
through melodies and lyrics.
Bringing tears or laughter,
joy or grief.
Anything in your mind
becomes more than life
with just a simple poem.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


"This is an island", a found poem from William Goldings Lord of the Flies from pages 5-28


The ground beneath them was a bank covered in course grass,
 of all shades and shadowy green and purple.
Skull-like coco-nuts with green shadows from the palms now plunging through darkness.
Palm-fronds would whisper as raindrops fell pattering.
Now the forest stirred, roared and flailed.
Clouds of birds rose from the tree top,
their green feathers were hundred feet up in the air.
They stood on the top, and could see the open sea,
blue of all shades,
bright with the efflorescence of tropical weed and coral.
The water was warmer than his blood beneath the haze of heat.
Little breezes crept over the shimmering water
Clear to the bottom, invaded by the sea of tiny, glittering fish
The sunlight became a strident blare more penetrating than before.
The sand, swaying in the fierce light.

This is an island.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Okay, here it is!

This is me and Jenny's take on the treatment of workers during the time of Ford, Brave New World and the present day! Enjoy! :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013


  People can usually describe themselves as either physical or sedentary.  A physical person is someone who prefers to go out and do stuff whereas a sedentary person prefers to stay at home and do activities that does not require too much movement.
 If I had to choose either one, I will definitely say  I am more of a physical person. I enjoy spending my time outside. I like to go out shopping or just chit-chatting in cafes.  I love hanging out with my friends and go out to visit new places with them. In my free time, I head to the gym and I am also learning how to play tennis. Whenever it's a long weekend, or vacation season, I travel to different places around the world. I like to experience new things and search for more hobbies.
 There are days when I prefer staying at home to relax and watch some T.V, but I don't think I can live the rest of my life preferring to do that.
 I just love going out and experiencing new things! I believe that going out, socializing, staying active helps keep a optimistic attitude towards life.
 All in all, These are the reasons why I think I am a physical person! :)
Went to Fiji island to volunteer! :)